No matter what your elearning objectives, we have a quick and easy solution to help you reach your organisation's goals.

Our cost-effective, off-the-shelf library is growing rapidly. Whether you're looking for a compact learning module, or only have time for a 2 minute video, we’ve got it covered.

As a dedicated training provider, we listen to our customers and develop fully-responsive content you actually want and need to tackle your everyday learning challenges.

Our topics include Health & Safety, Equality & Diversity, Communication & Social Skills, Management & Leadership, Personal Development and Teamwork.

With us, you’re sure to find the right resources to help you to deliver top-class workplace performance.

Course List:

Equality & Diversity



Religion or Belief

Gender Reassignment

Sex Discrimination

Sexual Orientation

Marriage & Civil Partnership

Pregnancy & Maternity


Food Safety & Hygiene

Food Law

Food Safety Hazards

Food Safety Management

Food Allergy

Food-Borne Illness

Personal Hygiene

Hygienic Premises

Temperature Controls

Health & Safety


First Aid

Dangerous Substances

Display Screen Equipment


Manual Handling

Slips and Trips 

Social & Corporate Responsibility


Bribery Act 2010

Anti-Money Laundering

Cyber Security

Modern Day Slavery

Driving At Work

Competition Law

Data Protection

Principle 1 - Processing

Principle 2 - Purpose

Principle 3 - What type of data?

Principle 4 - Accuracy of data

Principle 5 - Kept only when necessary

Principle 6 - Processing due to individual rights

Principle 7 - Securing data

Principle 8 - Transfer of data

What to Expect from the New GDPR 

Management & Leadership

Developing Leadership

Training for Non-Trainers

Project Management

The Effective Leader

Coaching & Mentoring

Giving and Receiving Feedback 


Working in Teams

Dealing with Conflicts

Effective Delegation

Find Your Role

Effective Meetings

Performance Troubleshooting 

Personal Development

Making Objectives Happen

Problem Solving

Setting Objectives

How to deal with Stress

Time Management

How to Plan Your Own Development

Negotiation Skills

Decision Making


Customer Service

Handling Complaints

Email Etiquette

Telephone Manner

Maintaining Customers

Approaching New Customers

Know Your Customer

Brand & Reputation

Communication & Social Skills

How to be Assertive

Fluent in Body Language

What’s not being said?

Effective Writing

Asking the Right Questions

Expressing Yourself

Active Listening

Presenting with Confidence 

Literacy Skills

The English Sentence

Spelling & Punctuation

Preparing The Report

Writing The Report

Change Management

Challenging the Status Quo

Making the Change

Need for Strategy

Experiencing Change

Thriving in Change

Seeing Change Through

Budget & Finance

Budgeting Basics

Mental Health

Everyday Energy

Sickness and Absence